Her-Ability starts with you.



The position of Ghana as well as other African countries as it stands pertaining to update or progress in tech is not enough to attain the required economic stability and one of this is due to the poor management in the administration of IT training and concepts amongst the youth

  • STEM careers are considered to be ‘the’ jobs of the future. Ensuring girls and women have equal access to STEM education and ultimately STEM careers is an imperative from the human rights, scientific, and development perspectives.

  • In 2019, it was found that women represented only 32.5% of those in high-tech manufacturing and knowledge-intensive, high-tech services.

  • The current global pandemic has already led to over 2.5 million women leaving the workforce, in America alone. In an analysis of the top 1,000 firms in the USA by revenue, women accounted for only 18% of Chief Information Officers or Chief Technology Officers on average across all industries. Only 1 in every 10 board members in the information technology industry are women.

  • In an analysis of the top 1,000 firms in the United States by revenue, women accounted for only 18% of Chief Information Officers or Chief Technology Officers on average across all industries.